
FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2011: The Annual Crypto- and Radio Sale
Tom Perera - W1TP

Report on the Fourth Annual (2016) Friedrichshafen Conference, Sale and Enigma Forum
Report on the First Annual (2013) Friedrichshafen Conference, Sale and Enigma Forum

This set of photos starts out with views of Klaus Kopacz's wonderful reproduction Enigma. It continues with a view of our 6 tables with Paul Reuvers on the left, Tom Perera in the middle, and Klaus Kopacz and John Alexander on the right. Then there are numerous views of the amazing number of German WW-2 radios for sale. Then there is a rare 3 rotor Marine M3 Enigma. Then you will see a blind ham exploring Tom's Enigma. More radios and a ship model complete the assortment of photos.



Thomas B. Perera Ph. D.
Professor Emeritus: Montclair State University

Internet On-Line ENIGMA Museum: http://EnigmaMuseum.com
Internet On-Line Telegraph & Scientific Instrument Cyber-Museum: http://w1tp.com

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: (Copyright (c) 2016: Prof. Tom Perera Ph. D.)
Although all the pictures and text are copyrighted, you may use any of them for your own personal applications including public lectures and demonstrations, publications and websites as long as you mention the www.EnigmaMuseum.com. If you plan to offer them for sale to the public in any form, you must email me for permission which I will generally grant as long as you mention http://EnigmaMuseum.com. My email address is given above. Some of the material may require contacting other copyright owners for commercial use and I will inform you by email if this is the case. Please also see the disclaimer of warranty.